change input type file button text

What you will learn here about the input file text change

  • Change input type file button text or change no file chosen text

While working on web application we come to the situation where we want to change or modify the text of input file type. So here we will see how to change the input type file button text or change no file chosen text.

Please download the code to know how to change input type file button text or change no file chosen text
Download change input file text code (1843 downloads)

Change input type file button text

Please follow the following steps to know how to change the input type file button text or change no file chosen text.

1)Please download the above code

2)Unzip the downloaded code

3)Open FileInputChangeText.html (available in downloaded code) with any editor

4)This is an indirect way of changing the text of input file type or changing no file chosen text which is shown below.

Change input type file button text

5)Once you run the code you will see the following kind of output in the browser
change no file chosen text

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