ESP8266 SNMP agent

What you will learn here about ESP8266 SNMP agent

  • How to install Arduino_SNMP-master library
  • How to use ESP8266  or NodeMCU as SNMP agent

In order to use ESP8266  or NodeMCU as SNMP agent we need to install Arduino_SNMP-master library. So first we will see how to install Arduino_SNMP-master library and then we will see how to use ESP8266  or NodeMCU as SNMP agent.
Please click on the below link to become master in SNMP.

How to install Arduino_SNMP-master library

Please follow the following steps to know how to install Arduino_SNMP-master library

1)Please download the below Arduino_SNMP-master library.
Download Arduino_SNMP-master librabry (2345 downloads)

2)Please unzip the downloaded Arduino_SNMP-master zip file

3)Keep unzip Arduino_SNMP-master file in the following path which is shown below.
install Arduino_SNMP-master library

How to use ESP8266  or NodeMCU as SNMP agent

Please follow the following steps to know how to use ESP8266  or NodeMCU as SNMP agent.
1)Assuming you have followed the above steps successfully and installed Arduino_SNMP-master library successfully.

2)Now please download below ESP8266 or nodeMCU as SNMP agent Code.
Download ESP8266 nodeMCU SNMP agent code (2392 downloads)

3)Please unzip the downloaded code

4)Now please open downloaded ESP8266 SNMP agent code with your Arduino IDE.

5)Now please modify your WiFi credential which is shown below.
nodemcu as SNMP agent

6)This SNMP agent code is written for only following OIDs with values which is shown below.
nodemcu SNMP agent oid

7)Now please upload your ESP8266 SNMP agent code

8)After successful uploading, your ESP8266 or NodeMCU gets one IP assign from your WiFi  which is nothing but the IP address you SNMP agent which is shown below
nodemcu SNMP agent address

9)Now open your SNMP manager. If you don’t have SNMP manager then please click on the below link.
SNMP Manager

10)Now follow the following steps

  1. Enter address as your ESP8266 assigned IP address
  2. Enter OID as  .
  3. Select operation as Get and Click on Go

SNMP Manager

11)After following the above step you will see the above response on your SNMP manager.

12)You will see following output on your arduino serial monitor
nodemcu SNMP agent response

Master SNMP Protocol

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