How to send data from raspberry pi to thingsboard

What you will learn here about sending data from raspberry pi to thingsboard

  • How to send data from raspberry pi to thingsboard using Python
  • How to send data from raspberry pi to thingsboard using Java

How to send data from raspberry pi to thingsboard using Python

Please follow the following steps to know how to send data to thingsboard using python from raspberry pi
1)Please open the raspberry pi terminal

2)Now please execute the following command to install paho mqtt library on raspberry pi
for python below 3.0 version

sudo pip install paho-mqtt

for python 3.0 and higher version

sudo pip3 install paho-mqtt

3)Now please download the following python code

4)Unzip the downloaded code

5)Now please open downloaded unzip code with python iDE on raspberry pi
I)TOKEN: Please replace the token with a token of your device on which you want to receive data which is shown below.
How to send data from raspberry pi to thingsboard using Python
II)If you want to modify data please modify Payload which is shown below.
How to send data from raspberry pi to thingsboard using Java

Download Thingsboard data post code using python (3070 downloads)
import paho.mqtt.client as paho  		    #mqtt library
import os
import json
import time
from datetime import datetime

ACCESS_TOKEN='NN7QEiWaX6mxPRnVdJsQ'                 #Token of your device
broker=""   			    #host name
port=1883 					    #data listening port

def on_publish(client,userdata,result):             #create function for callback
    print("data published to thingsboard \n")
client1= paho.Client("control1")                    #create client object
client1.on_publish = on_publish                     #assign function to callback
client1.username_pw_set(ACCESS_TOKEN)               #access token from thingsboard device
client1.connect(broker,port,keepalive=60)           #establish connection

while True:
   ret= client1.publish("v1/devices/me/telemetry",payload) #topic-v1/devices/me/telemetry
   print("Please check LATEST TELEMETRY field of your device")

6)Now please run the code

7)Once you run the code please check the latest telemetry of your device to see the received data which is shown below

How to send data from raspberry pi to thingsboard using Java

Please follow the following steps to know how to send data from raspberry pi to thingsboard using Java
1)Please visit the following link to know how to send data to thingsboard using Java

Sending data to thingsboard using java

2)Now modify downloaded java code as per your requirement

3)Create the runnable jar file of java program which will send data to thinsgboard

4)Upload the created runnable jar file to your raspberry pi

5)Run the jar file on raspberry pi using following command

java -jar fileName.jar

6)Once you run jar file please check the latest telemetry field on the thingsboard of your device to see received data.

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